
…and PANTY coalition

Well, mouth open and story had to jump out sooner rather than later on the pre-nuptial talks between PNC/APNU and AFC. The six-week deadline for their talks are up and only now we’re learning that AFC’s demanding that all the proposals, etc should be “SECRET”. That’s right. They don’t want anyone…including (and maybe ESPECIALLY their supporters) to know what they’re proposing or accepting from the PNC/APNU.

These are the same fellas who’re all over the Government like a cheap suit for being “secretive” when Government officials are negotiating deals like the Marriott. And now they want coalition talks to be secret!!!

In negotiations with commercial entities, the latter most often demand secrecy because they don’t want their competition to get wind of their plans. But a coalition that’s been brewing for YEARS???!! What do they have to hide?!!

Well, one reason for Ramjattan and Nagamootoo playing ducks and drakes about hitching up with the PNC/APNU is frankly they were scared stiff about how their Berbice supporters would judge such a betrayal.

Ramjattan already confessed to this. Berbicians well remember the vicious racist victimisation they suffered at the hands of the PNC. They only voted for the AFC because they’d promised to support either the PPP/C or the PNC/APNU in Parliament depending on their stance on various issues.

But Prezzie’s announcement that elections will be definitely held this year forced the AFC out of the closet. After conniving with PNC/APNU to prevent the PPP/C from further developing the country since 2011, the AFC knows their duplicity’s been exposed. So the only reason they could possibly want the negotiations to be secret at this time is that they’re so ashamed of what’s gonna be revealed in SELLOUT to PNC/APNU, they wanna keep it under wraps until the last minute.

What could it be?? With the AFC that’s not hard to figure out – it always has to do with the chance to make a buck and getting their hands on power. The latter condition, of course, guarantees the former goal. Ramjattan had earlier backed Nagamootoo as the AFC’s Presidential Candidate. Because he knew that Nagamootoo had as much a chance of becoming President as a snowball has surviving in hell!!

But now that the coalition’s out in the open, Ramjattan’s gonna demand HE be made the Presidential Candidate. Hence, the secrecy. Taking letters from each party’s name, your Eyewitness understands it’ll be called a “Partnership Alliance for National Trust – Yes!” (PANTY).

The new Big Dick (Morris) poll showed that if Ramjattan wears PANTY’s obvious banner on the hustings, he’ll win the election!!

But he also wants to keep secret that PANTY will be funded by FUCOP.

…and being bitch-slapped

Ramjattan’s a very bitter little man who just can’t stop lying. Interviewed recently, he claimed he’d left the PPP/C THEN formed the AFC. First of all he never LEFT the PPP/C. He was ignominiously EXPELLED after he “carried news” to the US Embassy. Then he formed the AFC and still squatted on his PPP/C seat – until he got his duty-free car allowance.

Last week, the wanker projected the bitch-slapping he’d received from everyone in the PPP/C’s Ex-Co after his betrayal, by claiming that former President Bharrat Jagdeo had “verbally slapped” Ramotar – who was General Secretary of the PPP/C at the time!! Even his buddy Nagamootoo and Ralph Ramkarran had voted at the time to expel him!!

Ramjattan’s problem is before Jagdeo returned from studies in the USSR. He thought he was the “young lion” in the party. He’s still bitter at Jagdeo for exposing him as a “young hyena” who eats the leavings of the lion!!

…and Greenidge

Carl Greenidge is upset at President Ramotar’s trumpeting the economic gains of this country in the last two-and-a-half years.

Poor Carl. He’s still the only Finance Minister who confessed that the country was “bankrupt” under his watch!!

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